Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Fuel Oil

Increases in fuel oil to make people uneasy, especially the lower classes society. This increase makes staples go up, but their income has not changed. if fuel goes up, staple up, and their incomes go up, it can not cover their needs.
Subsidized fuel oil if it is really implemented, it may not be like this, but these other subsidies that are not reserved for the classes, upper class was enjoying this subsidy.
Groaning under the classes rarely or even not at all ignored, but the upper class just speak directly exposed. This is not fair, where the location of the supposed rights and duties.
Lack of awareness of social understanding, which was put forward that are not social, self-centered individual. But when the position they are stuck, they remember there is a new classes under which they put to their use during the demonstration, used as a weapon to get what they want. Social life is important, not just when we need it.
So the increase in fuel oil is a lot of negative things that happen, maybe a lot of positive things as well that would arise, if the positive things that are actually implemented.


Cervical Cancer

Avoid cysts in the uterus.
1. Do not drink ice water, soda, and coconut during menstruation
2. Do not wash, because the head of the pore is open at the time of menstruation can cause fever.
3. body should not be bumped, dropped, and hit mainly because the stomach can cause vomiting of blood, the uterus can be injured.

Are proved, drinking ice during menstruation can cause menstrual blood remaining in the uterine wall, after 5-10 years can cause cysts and ovarian cancer

Part 2

Note : Marked with red writing, writing is wrong

1. The languages of the world presents a vast array of structural similarities and differences.
Alasan : Karena languages (plural), maka pada present menjadi singular

2. The rise of multinationals have resulted in a great ideal of legal ambiguty because multinationals can operate in so many jurisdictions.
Excuse : when a prepositional phrase comes between the subject and the verb, be sure that the verb agrees with the subject

3. All of the east-west interstate highmay in the United States has even numbers, while north-south interstate highways are odd-numbered
Excuse : When an expression of quantity using of is the subject, the verb agrees with the object.

4. When a massive star in the large Magellanic Cloud exploded in 1987, a wave of neutrinos were detected on Earth.
Excuse :  Were replaced with was.

5. Every open space in the targeted area that has grass and a few bushes are occupied by the white-crowned sparrow.
Excuse : Has changed to have.

6. Krakatoa is remembered as the volcano that put so much ash into the air that sunsets arround the world was affected for two years afterward
Excuse : Remembered change to remember

7. The term "Yankee" was originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone from the United States are referred to as a Yankee.
Excuse : Are change to is 

8. A network of small arteries, mostly sandwiched between the skin and underlying muscles, supply blood to the face and scalp.
Excuse :

9. Mesquite is a small tree in the Southwest who can withstand the severest drought. 
Excuse : Who change to which.

Senin, 12 Maret 2012


              The explanatory power of the M&M Theorem comes from turning it upside down: If capital structure can affect the value of the firm, it must work through one or more of the four M&M assumption. That is to say, the only ways that the capital structure can increase value are by lowering taxes, providing acces to cheaper borrowing, releasing valuable information, or improving cash flow. We call this idea the Reserve M&M Theorem.
            The crucial insight provided by the M&M Theorem is that it tells us where to look to understand capital structure. If we want to understand how the firms raise capital, we need to look at taxes, borrowing cost, information and cash flows. Any explanation why some firms tend to use or avoid particular capital structures must, therefore, focus in exploiting the failures to satisfy the M&M assumption. In this way, the reserve M&M Theorem is an important organizing pricnciple for modern corporate finance because it tells us what types of arguments can explain capital structures policies. At very general level, the most commonly invoked explanations for capital stucrtures are as follows:
            Taxes: Relaxing the assumption of no taxes implies that capital structure can value by reducing taxes. This opens the way for explanation based on tax asymmetries.


            Inefficient markets: Relaxing the efficiency assumption implies that individuals can have dufferent information and different opinions as to how much a security is worth. This has  led to explanations based upon signaling and heterogeneous expectations.
            Imperfect markets: Relaxing the assumption of perfect capital markets means that capital structure can create value by changing investment policy. This has led to explanations based on agency costs.


Capital structure is more than simply the firm’s selection of debt-to-equity ratio. Generally speaking, it is the decision of how to raise the funds to pay for the corporation’s assets. It addresses the following questions: What securities shouldnthe firm issue? How much of each security should the firm issue? To whom should such securities be issued? And what right should different classes of security holder have? The rest of this section will describe several important capital structure development and offer explanations for those structures using the Reverse M&M Theorem.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Part 1

Name : Merli Astarina
NPM : 22209082
Class : 3EB05

10. The whales headed south for the winter. (W)
Because that the sentence has a subject the whales but there is no verb.
8.  In a moment of worry about the problem with the cash in the account. (R)

2. Early had horses toes instead of hooves on their feet.
Because that the sentence has a subject Early but there is no verb.